In 1990, California voters created the California Citizens’ Compensation Commission by passing Prop 112. The Commission’s purpose is to set the salaries and benefits of California’s elected officials – taking the power out of the hands of the Legislature and Governor and putting it in the hands of the people. In 2009, another ballot measure passed, precluding the Commission from raising the salaries of elected officials during the years in which the state has a budget deficit.
The California Citizens’ Compensation Commission is comprised of seven members, all of whom are appointed by the Governor for staggered six-year terms. State law requires the Commission to meet every year by June 30. The decisions are then effective in December of that same year.
Per the California Constitution, three members of the Commission must be with specified expertise, two who have experience in the business community, and two who are either officers or members of a labor organization. Subdivision C of Section 8 of Article III of the Constitution requires the Governor to strive in so far is practical to provide a balanced representation of the geographic, gender, racial, and ethnic diversity of the state of California when appointing Commissioners. It further specifies that current and former officers and employees of the state are ineligible to be appointed to the Commission.
You can find the full transcript of the audio in this post here.