Enrolled Bill Reports and Gubernatorial Actions on Bills (transcript)

Today’s podcast on enrolled bill reports and gubernatorial actions on bills.


Once an enrolled bill reaches the Governor’s desk for final action, enrolled bill reports, or EBRs are produced for the Governor and his senior staff to consider the merits of the bill pending

What Makes California lawmaking difficult (transcript)


Today’s podcast is on what makes lawmaking in California difficult. There are a number of factors that influence the lawmaking process generally and make it particularly an arduous process in the state of California.

I think that the difficulty in the lawmaking process in California

In preparation for today’s Primary election in California – PSA: Don’t forget to vote – we are releasing a quick background of each of the Constitutional Officers and what they actually do in the California government.

Today, we are covering California’s Governor. Our current governor is Edmund G. Brown, known more commonly as Jerry