On today’s episode of The CAP⋅impact Podcast we talk with Maggy Krell, Chief Legal Counsel for Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California about the impact of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement from the highest court in the nation, the potential impact of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, the numerous attempted and
Congress vs. #caleg
Comparing Congress and the California Legislature
Today’s podcast will explore some of the differences between Congress and the California Legislature.
Obviously, the California Legislature is based upon the United State Congress, and certainly, both are prominently featured in the state and federal constitutions. We’ll start with some similarities that I…
How to Discipline an Elected Official for Misconduct
I spoke about this issue yesterday on ABC 10 in Sacramento with Giacomo Luca.
Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor are the most recent men terminated by their private employers because of credible allegations of sexual misconduct. Contract terms set out the ability of the media outlets to discipline these employees. But what…
California pays the price in gun violence for Nevada’s gun show sales
Congress has the power to regulate how guns are sold at gun shows, or to prohibit gun show sales entirely. But it has not done so. This leaves a patchwork of different state rules across the nation. And while states may create and enforce their own rules within their geographical areas, policy…
Feds, State, County and City – None of them can act alone to solve homelessness
In some countries, the national government could devise a way to combat homelessness, fund it, and implement a single solution in the same way throughout the country. Not so in the United States. Despite the Court’s broad interpretation Congress’s commerce power, Congress does not have the power…