On today’s episode of The CAP⋅impact Podcast I talked with Heidi Robertson, who is a Professor of Law at Cleveland State University Cleveland Marshall College of Law. She is also an environmental law expert and advises local governments on the impacts of various environmental policies. One form of environmental policy that Prof. Robertson advises cities
The CAP⋅impact Podcast – Episode 43: Climate Change, Utilities, & the Green New Deal w/ Prof. James Van Nostrand
By Jon Wainwright & Capital Center for Law & Policy on
Posted in Capital Contributions, The CAP•impact Podcast
You can listen to today’s conversation on Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Spotify, and everywhere podcasts are listened to. You can also help more people hear about Professor Van Nostrand’s work, and the work of the Center for Energy and Sustainable Development by subscribing to The CAP⋅impact Podcast and leaving a…
An Update on “California Exceptionalism” on Air Pollution and Global Warming
By Capital Center for Law & Policy on
By: John Sims
A few days after my post about California’s decades-long leadership on efforts to curb air pollution from vehicles, The Sacramento Bee ran an opinion piece on the topic, written by Robert F. Sawyer and Jananne Sharpless, former chairpersons of the California Air Resources Board. In “Let California lead on clean cars,” the …