Misconception Monday – Miscellaneous Items

Today’s post is the final one in my Misconception Monday series. In today’s podcast, we will be covering the grab bag of remaining misconceptions related to California government and the California Legislature. You can find all my Misconception Monday podcasts, including this one, here.

Today’s first misconception

Misconception Monday – Committee Hearings

Today’s Misconception Monday podcast concerns committee hearings. Before we dive in, remember that you can find all my Misconception Monday podcasts here.

Today’s first misconception has to do with the legislative calendar, which states, “No committees may meet during the last two weeks of session,” but that

Misconception Monday: Bill Amendments

Welcome to Episode 4 of my Misconception Monday series of podcasts. In today’s episode, we will dispel common misconceptions about bill amendments. If you want to get a better sense of what this series is about – and to learn about other common misconceptions about the California legislative process

Misconception Monday – Bill Referrals

Welcome to Episode 3 of Misconception Mondays, where I dispel common misconceptions about California’s legislative process. Today’s episode will take a focused look at bill referrals. To learn more about the California Lawmaking process, can check out my previous episodes on Bill Deadlines and Bills.