The OAL’s Six Standards of Review

In today’s podcast on how to be a more effective regulatory agency advocate we will be looking at the Office of Administrative Law’s six standards of review for proposed regulations.

California’s Office of Administrative Law, also known by its acronym OAL, plays several roles concerning the rulemaking

When Can You Participate in California’s Rulemaking Process

Today’s podcast is a continuation of my series about how to be a more effective regulatory agency advocate. This podcast, specifically, will discuss when you can participate in California’s rulemaking process.

By virtue of California’s Administrative Procedure Act – APA for short – interested parties

When California voters passed Prop 64 in the November 2016 election, they legalized the use and possession of recreational cannabis. This may sound simple, but the decriminalization and legalization of a previously illicit substance requires an intensive regulatory scheme. Prop 64 authorizes three main state agencies to promulgate cannabis regulations: The Bureau


On October 11, 2017, the California Department of Motor Vehicles published revised regulations that would allow companies to deploy fully driverless vehicles on California roads as early as 2018. Currently, autonomous vehicles on California roads must have a person with access to the controls.

According to the National Conference