Capital Center for Law & Policy Director Leslie Gielow Jacobs and McGeorge Professor Clark Kelso were both recently interviewed by KCRA 3’s Vicki Gonzalez about the recent U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Quotes from Professors Jacobs and Kelso are below. You can find the full report and video from KCRA here.
Professor Leslie Gielow Jacobs
“In a trial, this wouldn’t be appropriate. We’d have a jury that might be sequestered so they wouldn’t hear outside evidence. Here, it’s appropriate that all the voters hear this evidence and make a judgement about it, so that the Senators can take that into account.”
Professor Clark Kelso
“There are so many details that could be followed up on if there were to be a proper, relatively quick investigation. There are a lot of people who the FBI could talk to. There are details that could be further explored.”
“It comes down to a question of ‘Do they have 51 votes?'”