The California Gambling Control Commission (“CGCC”) consists of five members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Commission is vested with jurisdiction and supervision over gambling establishments in California. The CGCC is responsible for setting policy, establishing regulations, issuing gambling licenses, and acting as the administrator of gaming revenues that are

I sat down with McGeorge alum and adjunct professor Chris Micheli to talk about the new textbook he co-edited with Ray LeBov – as well as co-wrote with Ray and nearly 40 other lawyers, lobbyists, and political pros in Sacramento – A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California. The new book

McGeorge adjunct professor Chris Micheli and veteran lobbyist Ray LeBov, both contributors here on CAP⋅impact, are releasing a first-of-its-kind college-level textbook on lobbying and advocacy in California. The book, A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California, was written entirely by more than 40 practicing California lobbyists and politicos and covers topics ranging

As part of McGeorge’s one-of-a-kind Legislative and Public Policy Clinic, students are required to develop a legislative proposal and then secure a state legislator to author the bill. This year’s Clinic has three teams. Over the past two weeks, students were able to “pitch” their proposed bills to, and learn more about the legislative process

Yesterday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 338 (Hueso) the California Senior Disability and Justice Act into law. The press release announcing the signing of the bill into law signaled a major accomplishment for Stephanie Chavez and Spencer Saks. SB 338 was the bill that Stephanie and Spencer worked on while in the Legislative and