The California Gambling Control Commission (“CGCC”) consists of five members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Commission is vested with jurisdiction and supervision over gambling establishments in California. The CGCC is responsible for setting policy, establishing regulations, issuing gambling licenses, and acting as the administrator of gaming revenues that are
A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California
I sat down with McGeorge alum and adjunct professor Chris Micheli to talk about the new textbook he co-edited with Ray LeBov – as well as co-wrote with Ray and nearly 40 other lawyers, lobbyists, and political pros in Sacramento – A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California. The new book…
McGeorge Professor and CAP⋅impact Contributor Release First-of-its-Kind Textbook on Lobbying
McGeorge adjunct professor Chris Micheli and veteran lobbyist Ray LeBov, both contributors here on CAP⋅impact, are releasing a first-of-its-kind college-level textbook on lobbying and advocacy in California. The book, A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California, was written entirely by more than 40 practicing California lobbyists and politicos and covers topics ranging…
Capitol Pros Mentor Mcgeorge Clinic Students
As part of McGeorge’s one-of-a-kind Legislative and Public Policy Clinic, students are required to develop a legislative proposal and then secure a state legislator to author the bill. This year’s Clinic has three teams. Over the past two weeks, students were able to “pitch” their proposed bills to, and learn more about the legislative process…
McGeorge Capital Center at 2020 AALS Annual Meeting
The Capital Center for Law & Policy is excited to announce that it will host an event at the AALS 2020 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. The event, Craft Beer Law and Policy, will be in the Jackson Room on the Mezzanine Level of the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel. It will run from 6:30…
McGeorge Capital Center Professor Published in the National Law Review
McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli was published in the National Law Review. His new article, A Look at California’s New Labor Employment Laws, was published yesterday. You can also find the complete list of his articles published by the National Law Review here.
Chris Micheli is an attorney and partner at the Sacramento governmental…
California Senior and Disability Justice Act becomes law
Yesterday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 338 (Hueso) the California Senior Disability and Justice Act into law. The press release announcing the signing of the bill into law signaled a major accomplishment for Stephanie Chavez and Spencer Saks. SB 338 was the bill that Stephanie and Spencer worked on while in the Legislative and…
Capital Center Professor Published in the National Law Review
McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli was published in the National Law Review. His new article, Using Letters to the Daily Journals for Determining Legislative Intent; Compilation of Assembly and Senate Letters from Bill Authors – 2019 Update, was published last Friday. You can also find the complete list of his articles published by the…
McGeorge School of Law Blasts The CAP⋅impact Podcast Out Nationally
Earlier today, McGeorge School of Law sent the email below out across the country to highlight the amazing professors that I’ve had the chance to talk to on The CAP⋅impact Podcast. As you know, earlier this year we re-imagined The CAP⋅impact Podcast. We took a show that was one of many podcasts looking at…
Chris Micheli’s of new California Tax Bills Published in the National Law Review
McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli was published yesterday in the National Law Review. His new article, California Enacted Three Major Tax Bills, analyzes AB 147 by Assemblymember Autumn Burke (D – AD 62), AB 91 which is also by Assemblymember Burke, and SB 92 by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee. All three…