McGeorge adjunct professor Chris Micheli and veteran lobbyist Ray LeBov, both contributors here on CAP⋅impact, are releasing a first-of-its-kind college-level textbook on lobbying and advocacy in California. The book, A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California, was written entirely by more than 40 practicing California lobbyists and politicos and covers topics ranging from Getting and Retaining Clients (Ch. 20) to Best Practices for Lobbying (Ch. 15) to Use of Ballot Measures in Lobbying (Ch. 44).

In addition to editing the textbook and professional manual Chris Micheli wrote or co-wrote fourteen of the book’s forty-five chapters. A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California also features chapters written by McGeorge alumni and respected lobbyists and election lawyers including Thomas Hiltachk (JD ’87), Sarah Lang (JD ’13), and Mike Belote (JD ’87) as well as a chapter written by McGeorge adjunct professor Thomas Nussbaum.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy in California is available in hard copy and electronically from Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.