McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli

There are several code sections of the California Government Code that set forth the enactment of statutes and the adoption of a resolution by the Legislature. These statutes were originally enacted in 1943 in the Government Code. They’re found in Title 2, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 5. I’ll discuss some of these sections here. There are more in today’s audio.

The first is Government Code Section 9500, which is the definition of clerk, the employee who performs the duties of engrossing and enrolling.

Government Code Section 9501 is the definition of committee, which means the engrossing and enrolling committee of the House.

Government Code Section 9501.5 on enacting clauses requires that the enacting clause of every law adopted in the Legislature must be, “The people of the state of California do enact as follows.”

Government Code Section 9502 states that all bills and other documents ordered, engrossed, or enrolled by either the Senate or the Assembly are to be delivered by the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the Assembly.

Government Code Section 9503 states that the clerk must deliver the bills and documents without delay to the state printer.

Government Code Section 9504 requires the state printer to accept all bills or documents, and without delay engross or enroll and then print them in the order of their receipt.

Government Code Section 9505 states that the state printer must deliver the engrossed or enrolled copy of the bill, or documents with the original to the clerk from whom he received the original, and must carefully compare the engrossed or enrolled copy with the original version.

Government Code Section 9506 states that all bills and documents that have been printed must be considered engrossed. If no amendments have been made after being printed, the original bill or document is to be delivered to the clerk of the House where it originated.

Government Code Section 9507 states if the enrolled copy of a bill or other document is found to be correct, the committee must present it to the proper officers for their signatures. When the officers sign their names as required by law, the bill is enrolled.

Government Code Section 9508 provides that enrolled bills are required to be transmitted to the Governor for his approval.

Government Code Section 9509, as soon as an enrolled bill is delivered to the Governor, it must be endorsed as follows, “This bill was received by the Governor this ____ day of ____.” The endorsement must be signed by the private secretary of the Governor or by any other person designated by the Governor whose designation has been reported by the Speaker or the President Pro Tem.

There are more code sections covered in today’s audio. You can also find the full transcript of today’s audio here.