California Government Code

McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli

Members of the public can examine California legislative records based upon the provisions of the Legislative Open Records Act (“LORA”). Found in California’s Government Code, LORA was enacted in 1975 in order to allow public access to legislative records. LORA also limits the public’s right

McGeorge Adjunct Professor Chris Micheli

Senate Bill 1300 was signed into law on September 30, 2018 as Chapter 955 and went into effect on January 1, 2019. The bill both adds and amends several sections of California’s Government Code and addresses the severe or pervasive standard for litigating sexual harassment claims. SB 1300 also prohibits employers from requiring employees

AB 2664 sets in place new rules for court reporters pro tempore.

Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2664 by Assembly Member Chris Holden on September 18th as Chapter 497. The bill amends two Government Code sections. For example, it authorizes a pro tempore official reporter who is present in the courtroom providing that

There are a number of publications that are regularly used by the California Legislature and those who work in and around California’s state capitol. Of note is that several of these publications are specified in the California Government Code. I’ll provide a brief overview of some of

The California Legislature’s Organizing Session (transcript)

With this year being an even numbered year, the California Legislature’s organizing session will take place next Monday, December 3. Today’s post and podcast is an overview of California’s legislative organizing session.

As you may be aware, the California Legislature operates during two-year legislative sessions. At the commencement