California legislation

Then Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2782 by Assembly Member Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) on August 24, 2018 as Chapter 193 of the Statutes of 2018. Assembly Bill 2782 authorizes lead agencies to consider the specific benefits and negative impacts of a project during the EIR process.

The CEQA guidelines contain language that is

SB 1001, from the 2018 legislative session, made California the first state to enact a bot bill.

Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1001 by State Senator Robert Hertzberg (D – SD 18) on September 28th as Chapter 892. The bill is effective on July 1, 2019

By: Hayley Graves

Criminal eyewitness identification procedures – say that three times fast – are when a law enforcement officer asks a witness to look at photos or a lineup of individuals to identify a suspect. SB 923 by Senator Scott Wiener (D – San Francisco) requires California law enforcement agencies to use certain scientifically

On today’s episode of The The CAP·impact Podcast, we talk with Lexi Howard (JD ’15) and Erinn Ryberg (JD ’13) – two McGeorge alumna – who worked to kill AB 638, a bill that would have outlawed immigration consultants in California.

We go over what immigration consultants do, where they fit in the immigration