Here’s what folks at the Capital Center for Law & Policy have been reading and thinking about this week. You can also hear an interview featuring McGeorge Professor, and Capital Lawyering Concentration Director, Dan Croxall on Capital Public Radio’s Insight with Beth Ruyak.

Leslie Gielow Jacobs

This is an interesting article

This is a slight departure from our usual content. That said, last night’s event – the Belote Lectore on Journalism in the Era of Fake News – warrants the change of pace. The video above is of the entire one-hour discussion. Please enjoy the fantastic conversation between three stellar political journalists who know their

Recent action at the state, federal, and private corporate levels provides a window into the many ways to attack the problem of nondisclosure agreements in sexual harassment settlements.

Bar Nondisclosure Agreements in Settlements

A decade ago, the California Legislature changed the law to bar nondisclosure agreements in settlements of certain serious sexual

The Role of the Media in California’s Legislative Process

Today’s podcast focuses on the role of the media in California’s legislative process. The media’s role is so important that they’re considered a fourth branch of government and sometimes referred to as the Fourth Estate.

Their coverage – or lack thereof – can have

On Tuesday, Dec. 5, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.  Colorado civil rights law requires vendors to provide their products and services without discrimination according to, among other things, sexual orientation.  A Colorado baker claims that the U.S. Constitution trumps