Underground Regulations and the Role of OAL


Today we’ll be exploring underground regulations and the role of the Office of Administrative Law, OAL.

OAL is charged with ensuring that agency and department regulations are “Clear, necessary, legally valid, and available to the public.” OAL as you’ll recall, is also responsible for

The OAL Petition Process

Today’s post is a continuation of my series on how to be a more effective regulatory agency advocate. Today’s podcast focuses on the OAL petition process. In other words, how lawmakers and the public can petition to repeal or change regulations.

Although the process is formal in nature, it

Making Effective Regulatory Agency Presentations

Today we are continuing my series on how to be a more effective regulatory advocate. Today’s podcast is about making effective regulatory agency presentations and other avenues an advocate can utilize to influence rulemaking bodies.

There are a few basics to making effective regulatory agency presentations. Those are:

Providing Public Comment

Today’s podcast is a follow up on last week’s episode where I discussed when and how the public can participate in California’s rulemaking process. On today’s podcast I will be discussing one aspect of public participation, providing public comment.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier podcasts, there are over 200 state

Types of State Agencies

Today I will be continuing my series of podcasts on how to be a more effective state regulatory agency advocate. In my first post, I gave a brief overview of Regulatory Advocacy. Today, I’ll look at the types of rule-making bodies in California state government.

You might remember

Overview of Regulatory Advocacy

In today’s post, I will begin a series of podcasts about how to be a more effective state regulatory agency advocate. Today’s podcast will be an overview of state regulatory agency advocacy efforts.

The first questions one might have about regulatory agency advocacy are: “What is it?” and “Is