By: Dylan de Wit

California currently faces a major public education crisis. Similar to the housing crisis, California’s teacher supply has failed to meet demand, resulting in severe teacher shortages throughout the state. Seventy-five percent of school districts are understaffed, particularly with regard to fully-credentialed teachers. Compounding this problem is California’s affordable housing crisis. Housing

By: Trevor Wong

In 1996, Californians passed Prop 215 allowing qualified medical patients the right to cultivate and possess marijuana. In 2016, Californians passed Prop 64 allowing adults over the age of 21 to use marijuana recreationally. In the twenty intervening years, the Obama Administration gave California and other states assurances that if they developed

By: Kyle Harrison

When the police arrest someone on suspicion of committing a crime, the person is brought to jail. In an ideal criminal justice system, the person would be given a trial the next day where a judge and jury determine the defendant’s guilt.  This is not the system we currently have. Individuals are

By: Nolan Kessler

The amount of energy, land, water, and money spent on wasted food in the United States is staggering. Specifically, Americans waste “four percent of the [national] energy budget, about 12 percent of the land . . . 23 percent of all freshwater,” and $162 billion each year on uneaten food. Confusing food